中古文学会 2023年度秋季大会開催記念
龍谷大学図書館長 竹内真彦
龍谷大学図書館 2023年度特別展観は、中古文学会のご助力のもと、「〈紫式部〉の物語」をテーマに開催いたします。
紫式部は藤原道長(966-1028)と同時代人、今から約 1000 年前の人物です。宮中の一女官に過ぎなかった彼女の人生は、政治の中心であった道長とは異なり、その詳細が判るわけではありません。例えば、その生卒年すらはっきりとは判りませんし、彼女が残した作品としては『源氏物語』と『紫式部日記』、そして和歌集として『紫式部集』が残るのみです。
しかし、紫式部が生み出した『源氏物語』は多くの読者を生みました。その結果、現在に至るまでの約 1000 年、その間に紫式部をめぐる厖大な「語り」が生まれてきたのです。
2023 Special Exhibition,
Omiya Library, Ryukoku University
2023 Autumn Meeting of the Association for the Study of Japanese Heian Literature Memorial Exhibition
The Narratives of
“Murasaki Shikibu”
Ryukoku University Library
Dean Prof. Masahiko Takeuchi
The 2023 Ryukoku University Library Special Exhibition titled The Narratives of “Murasaki Shikibu” is being held in cooperation with THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF JAPANESE HEIAN LITERATURE.
Needless to say, Genji Monogatari authored by Murasaki Shikibu is a “masterpiece” of Japanese literature. However, saying that Murasaki Shikibu authored this work may have its downsides.
Murasaki Shikibu was a contemporary of Fujiwara no Michinaga (966-1028), a figure who lived about a thousand years ago. Unlike Michinaga, who was at the center of politics, there is no way for us to know details about Murasaki Shikibu who was merely a courtesan. For example, we don’t even know about her birth and death dates. All we are left with now is her three works; Genji Monogatari, Murasaki Shikibu Nikki, and Murasaki Bushu.
Nonetheless, Murasaki Shikibu’s magnum opus, the Genji Monogatari was highly successful in acquiring a large number of readers. This work’s wide readership engendered an enormous number of “narratives” over the past thousand years relating to Murasaki Shikibu.
From this perspective, this exhibition introduces several rare materials housed in Ryukoku University’s Omiya Library collections. We hope you enjoy the exhibition.
Finally, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Association for the Study of Japanese Heian Literature and all those who have extended their active cooperation in the preparation of this exhibition.
龍谷大学文学部 安藤徹
~ Introduction ~
Welcome!To the Narrative called “Murasaki Shikibu”
Ryukoku University Faculty of
Letters Prof. Toru Ando
Murasaki Shikibu is the main protagonist of the forthcoming NHK Taiga drama Hikaru Kimi e scheduled for a 2024 release. Though she is well known as the author of the Genji Monogatari, not much is known about her real name or about her birth and death. We also don’t know much about the real Murasaki Shikibu who lived in the aristocratic society of Heian-kyo, about a thousand years ago.
Nevertheless, we could still know a bit about her. The narrative called “Murasaki Shikibu” that we are told today is constitutive of, first and foremost, the self-image emerging from her discussions about herself as recorded in works like Murasaki Shikibu Nikki and Murasaki Shikibu Bushu along with her authorial imageries found in the Genji Monogatari. Obviously, there is no proof that these narratives necessarily match the character of the Heian-era actual Murasaki Shikibu. Precisely why what we know as “Murasaki Shikibu” is merely a protagonist in a single narrative carved out of the intertwining connection of three different works of Murasaki Shikibu Nikki, Murasaki Shikibu Bushu, and Genji Monogatari.
Needless to say, the history, culture, ideology, and religion of the period in which Murasaki Shikibu lived constituted her narrative world. The same is true of the thousand years of the Genji Monogatari’s readership history. This work is called the “National Treasure of Japan” and wields far-ranging influence across different domains which arouses from time to time reader’s imaginations endangering the unceasing production of new narratives about Genji Monogatari as well as about its author.
In commemoration of the 2023 Autumn Meeting of the Association for the Study of Japanese Heian Literature at Ryukoku University’s Omiya Campus, we present to you, through the rare research materials housed at the Ryukoku University’s Omiya Library collection, the multifaceted character of Murasaki Shikibu portraying the role a narrative called the “author of Genji Monogatari.” More precisely, we introduce you to the amazing world of Murasaki Shikibu’s narratives from five different perspectives; i.e., 1) the narratives that gave birth to Murasaki Shikibu, 2) the narratives produced by Murasaki Shikibu, 3) the story of Buddhism that reinforced Murasaki Shikibu’s narratives, 4) the legends surrounding Murasaki Shikibu’s narratives, and 5) visual imageries concerning Murasaki Shikibu’s narratives.
Welcome!To the narrative called “Murasaki Shikibu”
Section 1.
Murasaki Shikibu and the EraWe will trace the contextual backgrounds (narratives) that shape our image of Murasaki Shikibu by focusing on Murasaki Shikibu’s diary, poems, and contemporaneous people.
Section 2.
The world of Genji MonogatariThe authorial imagery of Murasaki Shikibu was a product of her own production; that is Genji Monogatari. This exhibition introduces the world of Genji Monogatari by focusing on the manuscripts and woodblock prints and delving into the world of Genji studies since the Insei period which strived to unravel aspects of this work.
Section 3.
Genji Monogatari and BuddhismThe fictional Genji Monogatari constructs its idiosyncratic world by generously incorporating as well as twisting various real-world elements. And Buddhism served as the indispensable “thread” for weaving its narrative world. Our special focus in this exhibition is on Prince Shotoku, Genshin, and the Pure Land philosophy.
Section 4.
Murasaki Shikibu as seen in LegendsAs Genji Monogatari gained authority and wielded strong influence during the Insei period, interest in not only the narrative itself but also in its author soared manifold. It resulted in new stories and legends concerning Murasaki Shikibu that survive even today.
Section 5.
Visualizing Murasaki Shikibu and Genji MonogatariBeginning with the Genji Monogatari Emaki (Tokugawa-Gotoh handscroll, a designated National Treasure), the world of Genji Monogatari could now be appreciated visually. Meanwhile, portraits of Murasaki Shikibu were also produced based on her diary entries and legends. Needless to say, the latest visualization attempt at the legend of Murasaki Shikibu is undoubtedly the 2024 NHK Taiga drama.