龍谷大学図書館長 竹内真彦
Hosting Special Exhibition of Omiya Library
Ryukoku University Library Dean Prof. Masahiko Takeuchi
Ryukoku University Library are holding a special exhibition for 2022 with the theme “Warfare and Peace”.
It cannot be denied that in a sense the history of humanity has been a history of war and conflict. This exhibition presents a range of documents on this theme in an easy to read form. As shown in the Tale of Hōgen concerning Minamoto no Tametomo, warriors who engaged actively in battle, in other words who must have killed many people, are often even praised as “heroes”.
It is meaningless to pass judgement on Minamoto no Tametomo of the Tale of Hōgen from the perspective of modern sensibilities. At the same time, in the present day, we should beware of viewing someone in a positive light, because they seem like Minamoto no Tametomo. For us, living now, there is no positive connotation of war and killing people. This must not be forgotten. It is essential that we all ask ourselves the question: “What should I do to bring peace and tranquillity for all?”
Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of all those who have made this exhibition possible.
Why “Warfare and Peace”?
Japan has experienced many periods of warfare since ancient times. In this exhibition we want to introduce the ways in which this has been written about, or narrated, and how the idea of peace has been transmitted. At the same time the influence of the current situation of the war in Ukraine is having a strong impact. So we thought we would like to hold an exhibition on the theme of warfare and peace.
Section 1 “Writing about warfare”
This part of the exhibition displays materials recording warfare from ancient times and the era of “Yamataikoku” to the end of the Tokugawa shogunate. In this section, we trace back the history of the many conflicts that occurred repeatedly for various reasons during this period.
Section 2 “Narrating warfare”
In this section we introduce tales of warfare, set against the background of Buddhist notions of impermanence, such as the Tale of Hōgen, which were read by many people. This includes picture scrolls celebrating military achievements, and other visual materials narrating warfare.
Section 3 “Thinking towards Peace”
Looking at materials from Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, we encounter the thoughts of those who came before us, as they directed their thoughts towards peace.