
Babylonia and Assyria

in translations by Morris Jastrow, ... [et al.] ; with a brief bibliography by Morris Jastrow ; with an historical survey and descriptions by Charles F. Horne. -- Mittal Publications, 1987. -- (The sacred books and early literature of the East : with historical surveys of the chief writings of each nation / editorship of a staff of specialists directed by Charles F. Horne ; v. 1). <BB32131764>

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標題および責任表示 Babylonia and Assyria / in translations by Morris Jastrow, ... [et al.] ; with a brief bibliography by Morris Jastrow ; with an historical survey and descriptions by Charles F. Horne
出版・頒布事項 Delhi, India : Mittal Publications , 1987
形態事項 lviii, 464 p., [6] leaves of plates ; 23 cm
書誌構造リンク The sacred books and early literature of the East : with historical surveys of the chief writings of each nation / editorship of a staff of specialists directed by Charles F. Horne <BB32132388> v. 1//a
注記 Reproduced. First published: [New York : Parke, Austin, and Lipscomb], 1917
注記 New introduction by Ganga Ram Garg
注記 Includes in bibliographical references (p. 463-464)
NCID BA86808276
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Jastrow, Morris, 1861-1921 <AU00229071>
著者標目リンク Horne, Charles F. (Charles Francis), 1870-1942 <AU00414879>
著者標目リンク Garg, Gaṅgā Rām, 1924- <AU00151571>