
The Mountbatten Viceroyalty, princes, partition and independence 8 July-15 August 1947

editor-in-chief Nicholas Mansergh ; editor Penderel Moon ; assisted by David M. Blake and Stephen R. Ashton. -- H.M.S.O., 1983. -- (The Transfer of power 1942-7 ; vol. 12). <BB20472365>

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0001 深草.8号館閉架B1 319.33/TRA-E/12 19651636322 一般 0件
所蔵館 深草
配置場所 深草.8号館閉架B1
請求記号 319.33/TRA-E/12
資料ID 19651636322
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標題および責任表示 The Mountbatten Viceroyalty, princes, partition and independence 8 July-15 August 1947 / editor-in-chief Nicholas Mansergh ; editor Penderel Moon ; assisted by David M. Blake and Stephen R. Ashton
出版・頒布事項 London : H.M.S.O. , 1983
形態事項 851 p. : facsims., col. maps ; 28 cm
ISBN 0115800875
書誌構造リンク The Transfer of power 1942-7 <BB10023779> vol. 12//b
その他の標題 標題紙タイトル:Constitutional relations between Britain and India
注記 At head of title: Constitutional relations between Britain and India
注記 On spine: India; the transfer of power 1942-7
注記 Unpublished documents drawn either from the official archives of the India Office in the custody of the India Office Records or from the private collections of the Viceregal papers in the India Office Library
注記 Includes bibliographical references
注記 Beginning with v. 5, assistant editor P. Moon
NCID BA19609690
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Mansergh, Nicholas <AU00179306> ed
著者標目リンク Moon, Penderel, 1905-1987 <AU00179307>
著者標目リンク India Office Records <>
著者標目リンク India Office Library <>
分類標目 LCC:DS480.83
分類標目 DC:327.42/054
件名標目等 India -- Politics and government -- 1919-1947 -- Sources
件名標目等 India -- History -- British occupation, 1765-1947 -- Sources