Ryukoku University Library

Constitutional and administrative law

John Alder ; : pbk. -- 9th ed. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. -- (Palgrave law masters). <BB21533141>
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0001 : pbk F-Closed B1 323.33/ALD-H 11300039724 一般 0items
Volumes : pbk
Library Fukakusa Library
Location F-Closed B1
Call No 323.33/ALD-H
Material ID 11300039724
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area Constitutional and administrative law / John Alder
edition area 9th ed
publication,distribution,etc.,area Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan , 2013
physical description area xxxv, 559 p. ; 25 cm
Volume Information
volumes : pbk
ISBN 9781137281449
parent bibliography link Palgrave law masters <BB21290949>//a
note Includes bibliographical references and index
NCID BB1304060X
text language code English
author link *Alder, John <AU00214574>
classification DC23:342.41
subject headings Administrative law -- Great Britain
subject headings Constitutional law -- Great Britain