
The Impact of Teachers' Self-efficacy Beliefs on Instructional Strategy Choice in Teaching English : A Study of Elementary School Teachers in Japan

MATSUMURA, Shoichi; NAGAMINE, Toshinobu, 2021.06.30. <TD32149044>



コミュニティコード 紀要論文
コレクションコード 龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所紀要
コレクションコード 第23号
タイトル The Impact of Teachers' Self-efficacy Beliefs on Instructional Strategy Choice in Teaching English : A Study of Elementary School Teachers in Japan
言語 eng
タイトル(その他) 教師効力感が英語指導ストラテジーの選択に与える影響について : 日本の小学校教員についての研究
作成者 MATSUMURA, Shoichi
作成者 NAGAMINE, Toshinobu
公開者 龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所
NCID AA11872617
JaLCDOI info:doi/10.50873/9100
雑誌名 龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所紀要
開始ページ 79
終了ページ 86
発行日 2021.06.30
寄与者 松村, 省一
寄与者 長嶺, 寿宣
寄与者 マツムラ, ショウイチ
寄与者 ナガミネ, トシノブ
登録日 2021.09.28
資料種別(NIIタイプ) 紀要論文
URI(アイテム表示画面) http://hdl.handle.net/10519/9100
著者版フラグ publisher
ISSN(NII) 18800807
アブストラクト This study was designed to examine the effect of English language teachers' self-efficacy beliefs on their instructional strategy choice. The theoretical view that guided the design was that teachers' beliefs about their own effectiveness for creating learning environments conducive to meaningful student learning, known as self-efficacy, are thought to underlie their classroom teaching practices (Bandura, 1997). Data were collected from a total of 258 in-service Japanese elementary school teachers who were assigned to teach English, even though they were not specialized or certified to do so. Two measures used in the present study were a modified version of the Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy's (2001) Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale, and a questionnaire on preferences in instructional strategies developed based on classroom observations. Results of a linear regression analysis indicated that differences in teachers' self-efficacy beliefs predict the instructional strategies they employ and that the more efficacious they are, the more they are inclined to use communication-oriented strategies.